Ask An Intern: Part One In a Series

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Bright-eyed and fresh-minded, interns are a valuable resource for marketing and PR agencies Sydney-wide. So it only makes sense to ask them some difficult industry questions. Here, our current PR and Social Media Intern, Emily Xue, talks ads, emojis, and smellable-tech.
What do you study, Emily?
Commerce/Media (PR & Advertising) at The University of New South Wales.
Assuming the role of social media expert for a moment, what’s your preferred digital platform?
Instagram is definitely my favourite and most-used platform, purely due to the fact I am quite a visual person and much prefer scrolling through images rather than text. Since I’m interested in fashion, Instagram serves as the perfect platform to gather inspiration, whether that be from celebrities’ or bloggers’ outfit posts.
Alright, now it’s time to put on the influencer marketing hat. Who do you follow on social and why?
National Geographic and Johan Lolos have nicely curated feeds featuring natural wonders and lust-worthy travel destinations. I also follow a huge array of bloggers: Margaret Zhang, Yan Yan Chan, and Rumi Neely. I love their ability to market themselves in such a way that they’ve been able to reach international success.
What’s your favourite brand?
I’ve just started becoming more interested in beauty. My favourite brand at the moment is The Body Shop. Their broad spectrum of products spans across skincare, haircare, and make-up, all of which are reasonably priced as well. But the brand’s main distinctive feature is the commitment to ensuring corporate social responsibility through product testing and foundational activities.
What are your three most-used apps?
1. Instagram (Scrolling for days!)
2. TripView
3. Day One (since I’m too lazy to keep a proper physical diary, this app serves as a nice way to document any momentous or mundane things I did)
Do you communicate more with words or with GIFs and memes?
Definitely communicate more with words. However, I can’t resist tagging my friends in memes on Facebook or sending Stickers via Messenger.
OK, so now it’s time for the question PR agencies Sydney-wide (and the world over) wonder about all their interns…
What’s your favourite emoji?
The salsa dancing lady in the red dress.
Talking ads for a moment, what makes you want to buy something? Is it even about the advertising?
I think advertising still plays a massive role in the consumer’s decision-making process and ultimate purchasing behaviour. For me, ads usually raise my awareness and can spark my interest in a product. After having this exposure through advertising, I would then consult other sources, like friends or online reviews, which would influence my final decision as to whether or not to buy.
Do you have a favourite ad from recent times?
It would have to be the AAMI Insurance ad series featuring the iconic Rhonda and Ketut. The ad was like nothing else in its industry – AAMI made insurance funny and light-hearted.
What do you reckon is the next big thing in media?
A revolutionary development to social media technology would be the introduction of ‘Smell-O-Vision’, which would completely change engagement with online content.
Describe your personal brand in three words.
Sarcastic, adventurous, and caring.
Thanks, Emily! Look: we made it the whole way without using the term ‘Digital Native’!
Emily Xue
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Featured image: Still from The Internship, 20th Century Fox