Ask An Intern: Part Two In a Series

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Bright-eyed and fresh-minded, interns are a valuable resource for marketing and PR agencies Sydney-wide. So it only makes sense to ask them some difficult industry questions. Here, PR Intern Adam Chen talks VR and AR FTW.
What do you study, Adam?
I study Marketing and Media at Macquarie University.
Sliding your social media strategist fedora on for a moment, what do you reckon is the next big thing in the digital landscape?
VR (Virtual Reality) and, at the very least, AR (Augmented Reality). The moment the digital sphere takes an active presence within the physical world – when we can actively participate in the digital world instead of behind a screen – will be a time where information combined with experience becomes ubiquitous.
This probably will not happen very quickly; far from it, in fact. I guess that VR headsets will become accepted tech in 15 years, and commonplace within 30 (give or take maybe five years).
Augmented Reality is quickly becoming commonplace in today’s society, with companies thinking of newer and better ways to use the system.
What are your three most-used apps?
-Facebook (no surprise)
-Discord. Basically, it’s a service that is arguably better than Skype for groups larger that three people. It allows for a shoutbox-style text and talk component that is really great for connecting with friends, playing games, or just having discussions. What’s more, it’s completely free and bases its services in numerous major countries to avoid latency.
Do you communicate more with words or with GIFs and memes?
Words, sprinkled with the occasional GIF.
Going more traditional for a moment: do you have a favourite ad from recent times?
It’s not new, but Carlton Draught’s ‘Big Ad’ . Just because it’s so self-aware in its humour – and it is actually funny. And yes, BY GOD IT’S A BIG AD.
Looking into the influencer marketing mirror for a moment, please describe your personal brand in three words.
Don’t Be Stupid. (Something I tell myself daily.)
Adam Chen
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