TED + Logitech Spotlight Academy

Logitech, spotlight, TED
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Glossophobia, or the fear of public speaking, is one of our best-known and worst fears. Turns out people are more scared of giving a speech or presentation than death, snakes, heights, spiders, or just about anything else.
The Logitech Spotlight Presentation Remote was invented to help people overcome glossophobia and present like never before: be that in the boardroom, classroom, or possibly even onstage at a TED conference.
Speaking of TED, the ideas-sharing juggernaut partnered with Logitech for the inaugural Spotlight Academy, where 15 people from around the world were flown to New York in July to work with Bryn Freedman, editorial director and curator of the TED Institute, on their presentation skills.
Jordan Pring, 33, represented Australia. A veteran paramedic, Jordan is responsible for presenting weekly clinical education to keep 200 of his fellow Adelaide paramedics up-to-date. Topics often involve long, dry, and boring materials, but it’s crucial for Jordan to excel in these presentations, as the safety of the patients relies on paramedics absorbing the key points.
Jordan’s application for the TED + Logitech Spotlight Presentation Academy not only stressed the importance of him being able to deliver entertaining and engaging presos, but also his desire to establish an Excellence Reporting System to help build confidence and morale among his peers. To get that system up and running, he’d need to convince a large group of executives, so strong presentation skills would be required.
Armed with the Logitech Spotlight Presentation Remote, which was gifted to all academy attendees, the 15 selected participants from across the world were taken through an exclusive curriculum that included storytelling immersion and structure. With workshops and one-on-one sessions, participants refined their techniques and received feedback on content and delivery. They even tried their hand at sharing an idea on the stage at TED’s New York headquarters!