TruSens – The Pure Air Revolution

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UMM was engaged in 2019 by ACCO Brands to take on the launch of a new home appliance that was mostly unknown to Australians at the time. It was a top-of-the-line air purifier by TruSens, which was designed to clean polluted air inside the home. At our first briefing, we were sceptical. Did it work? Was there really a need for it? So we did our research.
Turns out indoor air quality is five times worse than the air outdoors. In fact, the US EPA and its Science Advisory Board have consistently ranked indoor air pollution among the top five environmental risks to public health. And don’t take it from us, you can read all about it on the Australian Government website here,
So we had a mission to tell the masses all about it, spread the word, spur conversation, spark curiosity, and have the retailers stock up on TruSens Air Purifers. We produced the ads, enlisted our mates in media, and had an army of influencers speak to the Mums of Australia and then the retailers bought.
Little did we know that this was going to be the start of something big, something more important than we could have ever imagined.
In our first year of marketing, we had our focus on hayfever, allergies, and pet dander and then bang, we experienced the worst bushfires in NSW history, the Black Summer, where we were literally covered in ash, breathing in smoke particles for weeks. A devastating time that put a spotlight on air pollution and the need for clean air.
And just as we could all breathe a sigh of relief when the fires were under control, the world ticked over into March 2020 and the pandemic unfolded. So here we are today, where indoor quality couldn’t be more important, more top of mind, and imperative for our own and children’s health.
As you can imagine, our latest strat sessions and workshops have a different tone from where we started and you’d better believe that we have a TruSens Air Purifier plugged into every room of the UMM office.
To view our launch campaign for TruSens, click here: TruSens Case Study