UMM PNG And Digicel Team Up

Public Relations, UMM PNG
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UMM PNG has been engaged by Digicel as their new communications team in Papua New Guinea.
The global telecommunications giant is the biggest telecommunications provider in PNG, where UMM PNG will act as their agency focusing on Corporate PR.
Digicel has invested enormous funds and resources back into the country over several years, not only connecting a nation but also bringing free internet to schools, providing career opportunities with life changing business training and instigating a host of other CSR endeavours through the not-for-profit Digicel Foundation.
The Digicel Foundation focuses on the key areas of education and health. Digicel has also tackled the important issue of gender-based violence with their Men Of Honour awards.
UMM PNG is proud to be working with Digicel and further connecting the people behind the brand with the people of Papua New Guinea.