A critical time to roll out your new 2020 Communications Plan

Communications, plan, strategy
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COVID-19 has brought with it havoc and unrest for most businesses, but those who have been able to pivot, strategise and plan are standing strong. Everyday UMM has been speaking to and working with a collective of inspiring people, who are resolute on their business direction during an unprecedented period of economic and social change.
These MD’s, Business Owners and Managers offer up a sense of calm, whilst the media pushes panic. Our clients are long-standing and most have withstood some close calls during previous tough times and all have the same message – adapt, plan and action.
Once you have landed on how your business will successfully operate within the current climate, you need to speak to your target audience. Let them know your business is full steam ahead.
Last article I focused on eight steps to an effective communications strategy. This week are the eight steps to rolling out your Communications Plan.
The plan is about action and during this time we advise that you plan out between 3 – 6 months and evaluate each month’s performance via your new measure of success. It is however, important to give your strategy time to work and you may not see these results until you’ve reached the three-month point.
Your Communications Plan should include:
- State the objectives – all action points should adhere to the Business Objectives.
- List all the Communications Goals to achieve those objectives, i.e. – position your company as the leader in xxx, to achieve xxx.
- List the key messages toward each Communications Goal.
- List the spokesperson/people to deliver the message, ie. CEO, Founder, Ambassador, etc.
- List the communication channels to reach your target audience, i.e. media, social media, direct mail, influencers, etc. – note these may vary depending on the communication goal.
- Assign the right people to facilitate each step of the communication process.
- Assign a realistic budget that will not stretch beyond your comfort zone.
- Assign a metric to track and evaluate the success of your plan.
These eight steps are the road map to achieving your business goals in any social climate. A strong communications plan will keep your business visible, current and engaged with your existing and future clients and customers.
If you have any questions or need assistance please be in touch at hello@umm.com.au
Stay safe and always have a plan.
Cheers Nikki
Nikki Stevens | Joint Managing Director | UMM