Case Study


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With hundreds of brands and thousands of Bluetooth speakers on the market, Ultimate Ears wanted to generate underground noise via a viral social media endorsement campaign.

″Influencers from a wide appeal base, including fashion, fitness, and music, as well as Internet celebrities, were sent a tailor-made UE Boom Box.″

The ‘BOOM Box’ that was issued to our coterie of influencers.
The ‘BOOM Box’ that was issued to our coterie of influencers.


UMM conceptualised, designed, and developed an influencer strategy and engagement program. Influencers from a wide appeal base, including fashion, fitness, and music, as well as Internet celebrities, were sent a tailor-made UE BOOM Box.

Influencers were asked to write out a playlist and upload it onto Instagram with the global campaign hashtag #makemusicsocial. This ensured influencers didn’t simply post an image, but actually engaged and used the product. This provided an insight into the influencers’ personalities, whereby this personal endorsement had the result of strengthening the brand alliance.

Creative-wise, packaging, logo, and collateral design and production were handled by UMM.

Each influencer provided a three-track playlist that was uploaded to Instagram.
Each influencer provided a three-track playlist that was uploaded to Instagram.
Never underestimate the publishing power of a selfie mogul like Kurt Coleman.
Never underestimate the publishing power of a selfie mogul like Kurt Coleman.


The outcomes were formidable, with brand alliances established and endorsement from 25 influencers, who have a combined following of 1.33m+ people. The published content received 68K+ Likes, and 3.5K Comments. Overall, five per cent of the total followers interacted with UE BOOM posts in some way (either as a Comment, Like or both).